Be Positive! Even When You're In A Negative Situation.
Don't allow negative people kill your positivity. Most of the time they are upset with themselves for not being able to accomplish what you have. Trust me! I've change my circumstances for the better, but people are still attacking my progress. They criticized me for being too thuggish because they knew no better. But when they were able to get a inside look at who I truly am and what makes me tick they say I'm not gangsta enough. 🤣😂🤣👏 Make up your mind! You want me to be killer or calm. A coward or bout that. Broke or running stash houses. You can't win for losing no matter what you do. MY ADVICE TO ALL IS. Fuck what they say and continue doing you because doing you is what they can't do!
#LookGoodFeelGood #BuyTheBestFu¢kTheRest
#FireYourConnect and 🔌🔌🔌🔌MEET THE PLUG™🔌🔌🔌🔌 #ItsAllAboutTheBundles Reality
❌🌽NoCornChipBundles🌽❌ @SweetStickyStuffBundles🔌Cater To The World🌎Bihhh™👢👣
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